How to Thrive in Finances in 2025 Beyond Your New Year Resolutions

Jessica Jatau
Jessica Jatau

Tis’ that time of the year again when we see “New Year Resolutions” causing traffic across social media, and conversions. Let’s be honest, sticking to these resolutions can be tough whether you are just an individual looking to earn more, live healthier, or even build sustainable relationships by going out more.

This is why the idea of a New Year's Resolution is gradually fading. You barely hear people saying they have resolutions for the year. Instead, you hear people talking about setting goals for the year.

Goals are more strategic resolutions that are attainable, specific and time-bound. Looking back to 2024, our goal of serving you better with features that make hosting online classes more seamless for you, helped us create an environment that allows our creators and students to thrive.

Thriving in Finances as a Creator in 2025

I came across a picture on social media that reads, “In 2025, create time to travel and explore the world!” Not to sound too direct, but travelling around the world requires the need to have a flexible career and a good source(s) of income.

Also read: How to set effective SMART goals as an online Teacher or Creator

If one of your goals for the year is to have more time outside work, while earning, considering a second or third source of income will help you achieve that goal; teaching what you know best and earning even while you sleep. This way, you can build a long-lasting stream of income that avails you the time for getaway moments.

Thriving in Finances as a Student in 2025

Even as a student, you can earn more, achieve your study goals and even create getaway moments for yourself and your friends. This is much possible if you plan your schedules, and have a skill you can teach others or students like you. This can be videography, hair styling, fashion designing, baking just name it.

Klas even makes the entire process of earning for students easier by streamlining the enrolment process, administrative tasks, and payment. This means even as a student, managing your online classes with Klas affords you so much time for your studies even while you are trying to earn extra cash for yourself. Hence you don’t have to sacrifice your academic goals

Thriving in Finances as a Company in 2025

What’s a company without a good inflow of revenue? Believe it or not, a thriving and successful company is a result of a good strategy and workforce. This is why companies are encouraged to periodically train and retrain their staff. This equips staff with the best practices to enhance their deliverability, revenue generation, and overall performance.

Also read: Improve your online class with these 6 effective feedback strategies

It is also important that these trainings are documented for the staff to easily access them in later dates so they can make reference to it. Because we understand how training and retraining staff can influence performance, we have enhanced Klas features to cater for staff training, and documentation of training for easier access even after the training with our cloud storage.

2025 holds a piece good for everyone including, students, creators, and companies. But intentionality is a necessity in getting these pieces of goodness. I will encourage you to start the year with a goal instead of resolution and Klas is always here to help you scale.

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